Thursday, June 10, 2004

Fluttering on by

It's hot today- the sun is blistering
there is a soft breeze it's hidden amongst the leaves of the trees.
I can feel it though, it's nice.

The skies are slowly getting bluer, the clouds are white and puffy.
In fact I think the flowers are even starting to bloom again.
The petals are bright, the smell is heavenly-
things actually are starting to get back to normal.

Each day is a new day- starting to realize that as well.
I am happier to notice the little things that I used to be too busy to appreciate.
I saw a butterfly flutter on by, the simplistic way its wings flapped.
Up and down, back and forth, a rythmatic motion of peacefulness.
I wish I could have bottled it up and saved it for a rainy day.

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