Sunday, August 15, 2004

How do you tell yourself not to think
to stop pondering the question
the answer will find itself
everyday I lie awake thinking of you
the moon, the air I'm breathing
Restless and in need of sleep
I still lie awake
hoping you're thinking of me too
or if not that you're okay
that all is well
My feet are warm, the fan is spinning-
not as fast as the world but it's there
in a continuous motion
the only thing that is consistent in my life right now
that familiar humming of the blades as they cut through the still night air
the cords are hypnotizing- a sweet melody
still here awake daydreaming of sleeping
time still passing in the same way my heart is still beating
the way my mind is bleeding
wanting a break, a rest
time to relax and become one with the cotton stuffed my pillow
a new sanctuary for my insanity
close my eyes tight, become one with the springy foundation
that will cradle you to R.E.M.

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